Embedded Systems Competition (ESC) 2024
The Brazilian Embedded Systems Competition (ESC) is not just a competition, it's an opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to develop and present innovative solutions of embedded technology for market applications. By participating, students can showcase their creativity, solve community problems, and contribute to Brazil's evolution of the embedded computing segment. The focus is on developing Embedded Systems for IoT in various application subareas, offering a platform for students to gain practical experience and recognition in their field.
Projetos aprovados na primeira fase
ID | Título |
241609 | GeoSanSat |
241649 | MeshBerry |
241678 | Projeto EcoWast |
242018 | Uso de sonares simples em barcos motorizados para identificar e prevenir o assoreamento de rios |
242021 | Sistema de monitoramento remoto de baixo custo para qualidade da água na floresta amazônica usando LoRa |
242030 | IoTurtle: Um Sistema IoT para o Monitoramento de Ninhos de Tartarugas Marinhas |
242879 | EcoCIn: Containers Inteligentes de Lixo Reciclável |
242901 | Monitoramento Pluviométrico Inteligente para Regiões Vulneráveis |
242950 | Monitoramento de COVs para prevenção de pragas |
242968 | Cangaço no Espaço |
242989 | Boia para Monitoramento e Prevenção de Inundações |
242995 | Sistema em Tempo Real de Monitoramento Qualidade de Água e Prevenção de Mosquitos |
243001 | Enxame de VANTs para mapeamento de pontos de poluição |
243006 | Estação de Baixo Custo de Monitoramento de Odor |
243012 | Sistema inteligente para monitoramento de Turbidez |
243024 | Sistema de alerta de eventos climáticos usando uma rede LoRaMesh de ESP32 |
243026 | Cobra Norato: Sistema de Monitoração de Alagamentos no Campus da UFPA |
243084 | Araripe Air: Sistema de monitoramento da qualidade do ar em áreas gesseira do sertão do Araripe em tempo real |
243089 | Sistema de Monitoramento Remoto para Detecção Precoce de Incêndios Florestais usando ESP32 e LoRa |
243099 | Horta Inteligente |
The competition is organized in three phases:
- First Phase: The teams should proceed with a project proposal and possibly early development of their projects to submit the project. The Project Submission Form template is linked below. It should contain as much technical information as possible about the project and information regarding the current development status and completion schedule. The deadline for this step is
June 17thJune 24th.
- Second Phase: The submitted Projects will be judged, and the best ones will qualify for the finals. The qualified teams should deliver a report and a video presentation to be eligible for the online presentations, final contest, and prize. The deadline for this step is October 14th.
- Final Phase: To be eligible for the presentations, final contest, and prize, the qualified teams must submit a comprehensive final report. This report should detail the project's development, challenges, and implementation solutions. It is a crucial part of the competition, allowing the judges to understand the project's journey. The deadline for this step is November 18th.
Teams must submit a proposal for an Embedded System Project within the following topics:
- Agriculture/Livestock,
- Waste Disposal and Use,
- Pollution Problems,
- Air quality,
- Preserving Forests and Parks,
- Prevention and Mitigation of the Effects of Climate.
The projects must address the following aspects:
- Process simplification
- Cost reduction
- Real-Time analysis
- Remote monitoring
- Low energy
- Artificial inteligence
All teams should use the template bellow for the Project Proposal, which must be uploaded to the JEMS by June 15th.
Template Docx
Competition Rules
The competition rules can be found here:
ESC 2024 Calendar
Proposal Submissions: until June 17th June 30th, 2024, (FIRM DEADLINE) via JEMS
Proposal selection results: up to July 1st. July 22nd, 2024
Partial report and video submission: October 14th., 2024, via JEMS
Phase 2 result: up October 27th., 2024
Project Final Report Submission: Until November 18th. 2024 via JEMS
Presentation during SBESC Event: Nov 26-29th., 2024
Competition Chair
Max Rolemberg Farias – UNIVASF
max.santana at univasf.edu.br