
First Latin-American Workshop on Safe and Secure Vehicles (SSV 2024)

November 28, 2024 - Recife, Brazil

The First Latin-American Workshop on Safe and Secure Vehicles (SSV) is a forum to bring together researchers and practitioners of computing systems designed to support automotive applications. The main objective of the Workshop is to provide greater visibility to research and engineering work in the area and bring together people with academic and experimental background on the design of such systems. Such a discussion forum favors exchange between researchers, students and enthusiasts and encourages cooperation between these agents through the implementation of joint activities and sharing experiences.


Over the past two decades, vehicles have evolved into complex distributed systems on wheels. Even the most basic models now incorporate numerous Electronic Control Units (ECUs) that are interconnected through various networks. During this time, artificial intelligence has increasingly become integrated into automobiles in a variety of applications, including optimizing fuel efficiency, implementing Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), and the emergence of the first wave of fully autonomous vehicle prototypes. Emerging communication technologies like 5G and IEEE 802.11p are facilitating connectivity between vehicles and enabling communication with a wide array of other systems globally. In this dynamic landscape, the imperative to maintain seamless, fail-safe, secure, and efficient vehicle operations presents a formidable challenge that paves the way for continuous research and development.

Topics of Interest

  • Architecture design, implementation and management of safe and secure intelligent vehicles
  • Connected vehicles and vehicular communication (V2X)
  • Intelligent Transport Systems and Infrastructure
  • Intelligent Vehicle Technologies
  • Smart Mobility and Sustainable Transport Services
  • Runtime Support Systems and Verification
  • Dependable Vehicular Systems
  • Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)
  • Vehicular Simulation
  • Practical or industry experiences and testbeds related with safety and security of intelligent vehicles
  • Regulation issues in intelligent vehicles
  • Safe integration of Artificial Intelligence in intelligent vehicles
  • Security threats to cyber-physical systems

Paper Submission

Prospective authors are invited to submit original research papers for presentation at the symposium. Papers can be written in English, Portuguese, or Spanish, must be formatted according to the IEEE two-columns conference template, and the resulting PDF must not exceed 4 pages. Papers must be subtmitted via the CMT submission system. All accepted papers presented at the workshop will be published at SBC's SOL as Proceedings of SSV 2024.

Important Dates

Paper submission: September 15, 2024, 23:59 (BRT)
Notification of acceptance: October 13, 2024
Final version of the papers: October 27, 2024
Workshop: November 26, 2024


The First Latin-American Workshop on Safe and Secure Vehicles (SSV 2024) will be colocated with the XIV Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC 2024) and the 13th Latin-American Symposium on Dependable and Secure Computing (LADC 2024) in Recife, Brazil at the Laboratório Integrado de Tecnologia em Petróleo, Gás e Biocombustíveis (LITPEG) of Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE).


Antônio Augusto Fröhlich (UFSC) Odorico Machado Mendizabal (UFSC)