Submission Guidelines
Paper Submission
Prospective authors are invited to submit original research papers for presentation at the symposium. Papers can be written in English or Portuguese, and must be formatted according to the IEEE two-columns template template, and the resulting PDF must not exceed 8 pages. Online submissions through SBC's online submission service only.
Note to authors
All accepted papers will be initially published online at the symposium web site. Full papers written in English and presented at the symposium will be subsequently published by the Conference Publishing Services (CPS) and submitted to both publication in IEEE Xplore and indexing services. From these, those with the highest review ranks will be invited to prepare an extended version for consideration of partner journals (journals acknowledge to SBESC 2018 still awaiting confirmation). Agreements with ACM SIGOPS Operating System Review and Springer Journal on Design Automation for Embedded Systems have been made in previous editions and they are likely to be renewed for SBESC 2018. Copyright will be handled by SBC for papers in Portuguese and by IEEE for papers in English.
Submission link
Authors should submit their papers via link SBC submission form
Camera Ready Submission
Dear Authors,
All full papers (up to 8 pages) and WiP papers (up to 6 pages) written in English are published at IEEE Xplore website by CPS.
First, you must upload your camera ready paper through JEMS until October 16th. There is no need to upload a copyright in JEMS.
In order to publish at IEEE Xplore, we ask an author per paper to send the IEEE copyright (CR) and to upload the final paper version online also through the following website:
The deadline for sending the CR and uploading the paper is October 16th.
Please, carefully read the formatting instructions before uploading your paper. We suggest the use of the IEEE latex format available here.
It is important to highlight that IEEE has a no-show policy, which must be respected in order to have your paper published. Yet, you (or a proxy) must have a full registration and attend the conference to present your paper, in order to have the paper published.
Once we have finished this process, we will provide a link for every paper to the respective IEEE Xplore publication in the SBESC proceedings website.
If you have any question do not hesitate in contacting the organizers.
Processo de Submissão da Versão Final do Artigo
(apenas para artigos escritos em Português, only for papers written in Portuguese)
Prezados Autores,
Se você teve um artigo aceito no SBESC 2018 escrito em português, faça o procedimento abaixo. Se seu artigo foi escrito em inglês, aguarde as instruções que serão adicionadas na seção "Camera Ready Submission". Artigos completos devem ter no máximo 8 páginas e trabalhos em andamento (Work in Progress - WiP) deverão ter no máximo 6 páginas.
Faça o upload da versão final do artigo, bem como o upload do copyright da SBC, utilizando o JEMS até o dia 12 de Outubro. O formulário de copyright da SBC pode obtido aqui.
É importante lembrar que todos os artigos aceitos devem ser apresentados na conferência sob pena de não serem publicados. Cada artigo deve ter uma inscrição completa para ser publicado.
Assim que terminarmos o processo de submissão das versões finais dos artigos aceitos, os mesmos estarão disponíveis online através do site
Não hesitem em contatar os organizadores caso tenham dúvidas.