
Keynote speakers

Daniel Mossé (University of Pittsburgh)

Title: From embedded systems to the Internet of Things: what is the future?

Abstract: current embedded systems have as much capacity as high-performance computers in the (computational) stone age. Component miniaturization, commoditization of inexpensive sensors, reduction in power consumption, and the increase in bandwidth for wireless devices have made possible the worldwide adoption of embedded systems. Such systems, when connected to the Internet and attached to objects, give way to the new paradigm on the Internet of Things. In this talk we will discuss the future of embedded and IOT systems, presenting an outlook of research challenges for the development of the smart everything.

Dr. Mossé received his BS (Mathematics, 1985) from the University of Brasilia, Brazil, and MS and PhD degrees (Computer Science, 1990 and 1993) from the University of Maryland, College Park. He has been a professor at the University of Pittsburgh since 1992, including six years as department chair, and has co-founded a Startup company in the area of Smart Homes. He has been involved in the design and implementation of a couple of distributed, real-time operating system. His main research interest is in the allocation of resources (computing and network resources) in the realm of real-time, with main concerns being power management, security, and fault tolerance. He bridges the gap between the operating systems and networking research fields, between practice and theory. Lately, he has also been focusing on how to increase diversity in computing and how to promote reproducible research in computing.

Luigi Carro ( Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS))

Title: Machine guns and bullets

Abstract; In the era of data-centric applications we discuss the impact of only improving CPU or GPU performance, and search for ways to transform data closer to where it is stored in the memory hierarchy, from SSDs to DRAMs to caches. Several different solutions to this challenge are discussed in this talk, with an in depth analysis of the designs opportunities concerning Processing In Memory to general purpose computing.

Luigi Carro was born in Porto Alegre, Brazil, in 1962. He received the Electrical Engineering and the MSc degrees from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil, in 1985 and 1989, respectively. From 1989 to 1991 he worked at ST-Microelectronics, Agrate, Italy, in the R\&D group. In 1996 he received the Dr. degree in the area of Computer Science from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul(UFRGS), Brazil. He is presently a full professor at the Applied Informatics Department at the Informatics Institute of UFRGS, in charge of Computer Architecture and Organization courses at the undergraduate levels. He is also a member of the Graduation Program in Computer Science at UFRGS, where he is co-responsible for courses on Embedded Systems, Digital signal Processing, and VLSI Design. His primary research interests include embedded systems design, validation, automation and test, fault tolerance for future technologies and rapid system prototyping. He has advised more than 20 graduate students, and has published more than 150 technical papers on those topics. He has authored the book Digital systems Design and Prototyping (2001-in Portuguese) and is the co-author of Fault-Tolerance Techniques for SRAM-based FPGAs (2006-Springer), Dynamic Reconfigurable Architectures and Transparent optimization Techniques (2010-Springer) and Adaptive Systems (Springer 2012). In 2007 he received the prize FAPERGS - Researcher of the year in Computer Science.