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VII Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering

November 07-10, 2017
Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil

The Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC) is an initiative of the research community originally associated with three events, the Operating Systems Workshop (WSO), the Embedded Systems Workshop (WSE), and the Real-Time Systems Workshop (WTR), that got together having identified a strong synergy between these areas, also motivated by the fact that designing computing systems is an increasingly multidisciplinary task. Since the first edition, the event holds the Embedded Systems School (ESSE) and since 2013, the Brazilian Conference on Critical Embedded Systems (CBSEC) also joined SBESC. The symposium is supported by the Especial Committee on Computing Systems Engineering (CE-ESC) of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC).


Modern computing systems are becoming increasingly diversified. Nowadays we hear about Systems of Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems, Ubiquitous Systems, Internet of Things, and so on. Many of these systems are embedded, many are subject to real-time constraints and most of them run an operating system. In this context, the term Computing Systems Engineering involves techniques related to the safe, correct, and deadline-compliant development of such systems.

Topics of Interest

  • Applications (including Automotive, Avionics, and Aerospace)
  • Control and Automation
  • Design Methodologies, Languages, and Tools
  • Distributed Systems
  • Electronic System Level, Synthesis, and Co-design
  • Fault Tolerance and Dependability
  • Formal Methods and Verification
  • Internet of Things, Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
  • Multiprocessor/Multicore/Manycore Systems
  • Networking and Communication Protocols
  • Performance Evaluation and Optimization
  • Power, Energy and Thermal Aware Systems
  • Quality of Service
  • Resource Management
  • Run-time Support Systems (including Virtualization, Storage, and File Systems)
  • Scheduling and Schedulability Analysis Security
  • Verification, Validation and Test of Systems
  • Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis

Paper Submission

Prospective authors are invited to submit original research papers for presentation at the symposium. Papers can be written in English, Portuguese, or Spanish, must be formatted according with the IEEE two-columns symposium template, and the resulting PDF must not exceed 8 pages. Online submissions through SBC's submission service only.

Note to authors: all accepted papers will be initially published online at the symposium web site. Full papers written in English and presented at the symposium will be subsequently published by Conference Publishing Services (CPS) and submitted for publication in IEEE Xplore and submitted to indexing services. From these, those with the highest review ranks will be invited to prepare an extended version for consideration of partner journals: ACM SIGOPS Operating System Review, Springer Journal on Design Automation for Embedded Systems, and Elsevier Journal on Science of Computer Programming. Copyright will be handled by SBC for papers in Portuguese (you can get the form here) and by IEEE for papers in English.

Important Dates (Deadline extended)
Manuscript registration and submission: Jul 07, 2017 (BRT)
Notification of acceptance: Sep 15, 2017
Final version of the papers: Oct 09, 2017
Symposium: Nov 07-10, 2017


Curitiba is a very important Brazilian city. It is largest city in southern Brazil and presents the forth greater GDP in Brazil. About 3.2 million people live in the Curitiba metropolitan area. Curitiba is considered a model city in terms of urban planning and public transport. Furthermore, Curitiba is a vibrant touristic city. It has several tourist attractions such as: Oscar Niemeyer Museum, the Wire Opera House, Botanical Gardens, Ecological University, Tanguá Park, Street 24 hours, Largo da Ordem. In addition, Curitiba is considered the “ecological capital” due to its 18 parks and 15 forests in the urban area of the city. Besides the already mentioned touristic attractions, there are several monuments and tourist sites dedicated to migrants: German Grove, Memorial of the Polish immigration, Portugal Grove, Ukrainian Memorial and Japan Square. Curitiba is located about 90 Km from the coast, 400 km from São Paulo, 300 km from Florianópolis, and 630 km from Foz do Iguaçu (this is a MUST for tourism seekers), in the triple border with Paraguay and Argentina. For more information, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curitiba and http://www.curitiba.pr.gov.br/idioma/ingles


General Chair
Marco A. Wehrmeister, UTFPR

Program Chair
Antônio Carlos S. Beck Filho, UFRGS

Tutorial Chair
José Augusto Nacif, UFV

Publication Chair
Giovani Gracioli, UFSC

Embedded System Contest
Edna Barros, UFPE
Ivan Muller, UERGS