

  Nov 7 - Seg Nov 8 - Ter Nov 9 - Qua Nov 10 - Qui Nov 11 - Sex
08:30 Opening        
09:00 Palestra I
Scott Brandt
Palestra II
Andreas Gerstlauer
Palestra III
Gernot Heiser
Minicurso I
Robótica Móvel
Minicurso II
Redes de Sensores sem Fio
10:30 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break
11:00 Sessão Técnica I
System Design
Sessão Técnica IV
Hardware and I/O
Sessão Técnica VII
Real-time Systems
Minicurso I
Robótica Móvel
Minicurso II
Redes de Sensores sem Fio
12:30 Almoço Almoço Almoço Almoço Almoço
14:00 Sessão Técnica II
System Design
Painel I
 Dilma da Silva
Sessão Técnica VIII
Operating Systems
Minicurso I
Robótica Móvel
Minicurso II
Redes de Sensores sem Fio
15:00 Sessão Técnica V
Short Papers' Posters
16:00 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break
16:30 Sessão Técnica III
Wireless Sensor Networks
Sessão Técnica VI
Energy-aware Systems
Sessão Técnica IX
Minicurso I
Robótica Móvel
Minicurso II
Redes de Sensores sem Fio
18:00 Cocktail de Abertura Reunião da Comissão Organizadora Encerramento    
19:00   Programa Social
(a ser definido)
Programa Social
(a ser definido)
19:30   Jantar da Conferência
(pago separadamente)



November 7, 2011 – Monday

Keynote I (9:00 – 10:30)

Managing the Performance of Large, Distributed Systems

Scott Brandt (University of California, Santa Cruz)

Abstract: Real-time control and performance guarantees have traditionally been implemented in isolated purpose-built systems.  New applications and systems demand performance guarantees in open, shared, distributed environments where not everything is known a priori and many unrelated applications may be competing for resources.  This talk explores the problem of guarantees in open, distributed systems, presents a few examples of such systems, and discusses research at UC Santa Cruz aimed at addressing the problem.

Session I: System Design (11:00 – 12:15)

Chair: Leandro Buss Becker

Framework to Simulate the Behavior of Embedded Real-Time Systems Specified in UML Models
Marco Wehrmeister (UDESC), João Packer (UDESC), Luis Ceron (UDESC)

Analisador de Código Java para Estimação da Eficiência de Software Embarcado
Rafael Pereira (UFPel), Stéphano Gonçalves (UFPel), Ulisses Corrêa (UFRGS), Lisane Brisolara (UFPel), Júlio C. B. Mattos (UFPel)

Design Patterns for Cyber-Physical Systems: The Case of a Robotic Greenhouse
Ricardo Garro (INTA), Leo Ordinez (UNS), Omar Alimenti (UNS)

A tool to support model-based testing activities
Gilson Junior (UEL), Adilson Bonifácio (UEL)


Session II: System Design (14:00 – 15:40)

Chair: Edna Natividade da Silva Barros  

Ferramenta para Auxiliar o Processo de Verificação Formal de Propriedades em Programas AADL
Rafael de Oliveira (UFSC), Gabriel Santos (UFSC), Jean-Marie Farines (UFSC), Leandro Buss Becker (UFSC)

Classificação Automática de Processos em um Sistema Operacional de Uso Geral
Priscila Vriesman Araujo (PUCPR), Carlos Maziero (UTFPR), Julio Nievola (PUCPR)

Formal Verification of UML Sequence Diagrams in the Embedded Systems Context
Everton Cunha (UFAM), Marcelo Custódio (UFAM), Herbert Rocha (UFAM), Raimundo Barreto (UFAM)

Verifying Embedded C Software with Timing Constraints using an Untimed Model Checker
Raimundo Barreto (UFAM), Lucas Cordeiro (UFAM), Bernd Fischer (University of Southampton)

Session III: Wireless Communication (16:20 – 18:00)

Chair: George Lima

Uma investigação sobre a capacidade tempo-real de uma rede sem-fio móvel
Marcelo Sobral (UFSC), Leandro Buss Becker (UFSC)

Um Arcabouço de Comunicação para Aplicações de Fusão de Dados em Redes de Sensores sem Fio
Gerson Budke (UDESC), Carlos Montez (UFSC), Ricardo Moraes (UFSC), Paulo Portugal (University of Porto) 

Sistema embarcado para aquisição de dados agrometeorológicos
Paulo Sabo (UEM), João Martini (UEM), Paulo Gonçalves (UEM), Elvio Leonardo (UEM), Eduardo H. M. Cruz (UFRGS)



November 8, 2011 – Tuesday

Keynote II (9:00 – 10:30)

Software Synthesis for Embedded Multicore Systems

Andreas Gerstlauer (University of Texas at Austin)

Abstract: The continued exponential increase in embedded system complexities, driven by both technological advances and ever growing application demands, has led to system designs that incorporate more and more processing cores, often on a single chip. Furthermore, their application-specific nature and operation under tight power, real-time, reliability and cost constraints gives us both the opportunity and need to develop highly optimized, heterogenenous and customized solutions. At the same time, prohibitive hardware design and manufacturing costs increasingly ask for programmable platforms in which most of the functionality, optimality and differentiation is delivered through embedded software running on a heterogenenous multi-core and multi-processor architecture. Together, complexity and heterogeneity challenges clearly make traditional embedded software development practices infeasible, and embedded software is rapidly becoming the bottleneck for meeting performance, power, cost, reliability and time-to-market/productivity constraints. Existing approaches for manual progamming of individual processors directly at a low level close to hardware will not scale to tens or hundreds of cores and novel embedded software development methodologies are urgently needed.
In this tutorial, we aim to provide a comprehensive introduction to state-of-the-art techniques for automated synthesis of embedded multi-core/-processor software from high-level, abstract input specifications. Key to the automation of any design process are appropriate and effective models. On the one hand, this includes the search for the right parallel and real-time programming models at the input of the synthesis process. We will discuss various models of computation (MoCs) in terms of their support for concurrency and communication, including implications on expressability and synthesizability. On the other hand, at the output of the design flow, there is a need for fast and accurate virtual prototypes that allow
for efficient pre-silicon validation of the effects of design decisions on system implementations. We will present an overview of platform modeling and simulation at varying levels of abstraction based on transaction-level models (TLMs) of communication and host-compiled or instruction-set simulation of software execution. Lastly, the tutorial will describe how models can be integrated into a seamless, automated synthesis flow that includes optimized mapping of applications onto architectures, rapid and early exploration of the design space and fully automatic generation of platform target code down to the synthesis of complete hardware-dependent software (HdS) stacks.

Session IV: Hardware and I/O (11:00 – 12:15)

Chair: Edgard de Faria Correa

Applying AOP and OOP concepts to digital hardware design
Tiago Mück (UFSC), Michael Gernoth (FAU), Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat (FAU), Antônio Augusto Fröhlich (UFSC)

Device Driver Generation and Check Approach

Rafael Macieira (UFPE), Edson Lisboa (IFS), Edna Barros (UFPE)

DDR SDRAM Memory Controller for Digital TV Decoders
Hadley Siqueira (UFRN), Ivan Silva (UFPI), Márcio Kreutz (UFRN), Edgard Correa (UFRN)

Panel I (14:00 – 14:45)

Current Trends in Operating System Research

Dilma da Silva (IBM Research)

Session V: Short Papers (Posters) (14:00 – 16:15)

Chair: Alexandre Sztajnberg

Discussão sobre o uso do Real-Time Calculus na Modelagem do Barramento FlexRay
Eduardo Bonet (UFSC), Romulo Silva de Oliveira (UFSC), Rodrigo Lange (UFSC)

Estudo Empírico sobre o uso da Ferramenta aiT no Cálculo do WCET
Renan Starke (UFSC), Romulo Silva de Oliveira (UFSC)

Análisis extremo a extremo de performance en redes oportunísticas
Rodrigo Santos (UNS), Javier Orozco (UNS)

Performance analysis of the Sporadic Server Implementation in Real-Time Specification for Java
Matias Tripode (UNS), Rodrigo Santos (UNS), Javier Orozco (UNS)

Otimização do codificador de vídeo x264
Luiz Duma (UTFPR), Keiko Fonseca (UTFPR), Alexandre de Almeida Prado Pohl (UTFPR)

WirelessHART Routing Analysis Software
Jean Michel Winter (UFRGS), Carolina Lima (UFRGS), Ivan Muller (UFRGS), Carlos Eduardo Pereira (UFRGS), João Netto (UFRGS)

Generating Java code from UML Class and Sequence Diagrams
Abilio Gambim Parada (UFPel), Eliane Siegert (UFPel), Lisane Brisolara (UFPel)

FARES: um algoritmo leve para roteamento de dados em RSSF planas
Felipe Bastos Nunes (IFCE), Antonio Varela (IFCE), Elias Teodoro Silva Júnior (IFCE)

Sistema de medição e controle do consumo de água utilizando Rede de Sensores Sem Fio
Daniel Pereira (UFMG)

Ferramenta para Automação e Análise de Consumo de Energia baseados no Processador ARM7
Diogo Lages (UFPE), Abel Silva-Filho (UFPE)

Impacto de uso da Abstr ação de Softwar e no desempenho de sistemas embarcados complexos
Vesmar Boris Camara (UFRGS), Ulisses Corrêa (UFRGS), Luigi Carro (UFRGS)

Session VI: Energy-aware Systems (16:45 – 18:00)

Chair: Raimundo Barreto

Economia de Energia em Aglomerados de Servidores
Giulio Bottari (UFF), Julius Leite (UFF)

Framework para Estimar a Autonomia da Bateria em Sistemas Embarcados
Elisabete Moraes (UTFPR), Leandro Buss Becker (UFSC)

A Model for Reconfiguration of Multi-Modal Real-Time Systems under Energy Constraints
Ríad Nassiffe (UFSC), Eduardo Camponogara (UFSC), George Lima (UFBA)



November 9, 2011 – Wednesday

Keynote III (9:00 – 10:30)

Towards Trustworthy Systems orThe Continued Relevance of OS Research

Gernot Heiser (University of New South Wales)

Abstract: Computer systems are routinely deployed in life- and mission- critical situations, yet in most cases their security, safety or dependability cannot be assured to the degree warranted by the application. In other words, trusted computer systems are rarely trustworthy.
We believe that this is highly unsatisfactory, and have embarked on a research program aimed at bringing reality in line with expectations. In this talk describes NICTA’s research agenda for achieving true trustworthiness in systems. The approach combines systems with formal methods and is based on establishing the trustworthiness of the lowest level of software, a small microkernel or hypervisor, and then using this platform to provide guarantees to complete systems built on top. A number of important steps in this direction have been achieved, specifically the formal proof of functional correctness of a complete OS microkernel, and subsequently the establishment of further properties, including timeliness and integrity enforcement. Work is progressing on making dependability guarantees for complete real-world systems, comprising millions of lines of code.

Session VII: Real-time Systems (11:00 – 12:15)

Chair: Antônio Augusto Fröhlich

Gravitational task model based bandwidth compression algorithm for adaptive resource management
Raphael Guerra (TU Kaiserslautern), Gerhard Fohler (TU Kaiserslautern)

Um Modelo de Execução para Obtenção de Previsibilidade em Aplicações Java TVDI que Implementam GEM
Moacyr Neto (UFSC), Carlos Montez (UFSC)

Una Adaptación del Protocolo EDCA para Tiempo Real
Omar Alimenti (UNS), Guillermo Friedrich (UTN), Guillermo Reggiani (Universidad Tecnologica Nacional), Santiago Tonietti (UTN), Federico Maidana (UTN), Damián Gómez De Marco (UTN)

Impacto do System Management Mode dos Processadores x86 em Sistemas de Tempo Real
Renan Starke (UFSC), Romulo Silva de Oliveira (UFSC)

Session VIII: Operating Systems (14:00 – 16:05)

Chair: Rômulo de Oliveira

Minix over Linux: A Model for a Multiserver Operating System based Virtual Machine
Pablo Pessolani (UTN), Oscar Jara (UTN)

Experimental Evaluation of Compound System Calls in the Linux Kernel
Elder Vicente de Paulo Sobrinho (UFU), Rivalino Matias Jr. (UFU), Lúcio B. Araujo (UFU), Autran Macêdo (UFU)

sendmmsg: uma chamada de sistema eficiente para envio de múltiplas mensagens no Linux
Breno Leitao (UNICAMP), Islene Garcia (UNICAMP)

Abstraindo dispositivos de hardware para aplicações Java embarcadas
Mateus Ludwich (UFSC), Antônio Augusto Fröhlich (UFSC)

Utilização de Redes Neurais para Gerência de Servidores Virtuais Web
Andre Felipe Monteiro (UERJ), Marcus Azevedo (UERJ), Alexandre Sztajnberg (UERJ)

Session IX: Multicore (16:45 – 18:00)

Chair: Rivalino Mathias Jr.

Uma Proposta de Variação para o Protocolo Multiprocessor Priority Ceiling
Andreu Carminati (UFSC), Romulo Silva de Oliveira (UFSC)

API para Monitoramento de Desempenho em Sistemas Multicore Embarcados
Giovani Gracioli (UFSC), Antônio Augusto Fröhlich (UFSC)

A Comparative Study on Memory Allocators in Multicore and Multithreaded Applications
Tais Ferreira (UFU), Rivalino Matias Jr. (UFU), Autran Macêdo (UFU), Lúcio B. Araujo (UFU)




November 10, 2011 – Thursday

Tutorial I (9:00 – 12:30 / 14:00 – 18:00)

Mobile Robotics

Ubirajara Franco Moreno (UFSC), Leandro Buss Becker (UFSC)





November 11, 2011 – Friday

Tutorial II(9:00 – 12:30 / 14:00 – 18:00)

Wireless Sensor Networks

Antônio Augusto Fröhich (UFSC), Arliones Hoeller Jr. (UFSC)