SBESC 2016 Proceedings
Welcome Message
Modern computing systems are becoming increasingly diversified. Nowadays we hear about Systems of Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems, Ubiquitous Systems and so on. Many of these systems are embedded, many are subject to real-time constraints and most of them run an operating system. In this context, the term Computing Systems Engineering involves techniques related to a safe, correct and deadline-compliant development methodology for these systems.
The Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC) is an initiative of the research community originally associated with three events, the Operating Systems Workshop (WSO), Embedded Systems Workshop (WSE) and Real-Time Systems Workshop (WTR), acknowledging the strong synergy between these three areas, and also motivated by the fact that the design of computing systems is an increasingly multidisciplinary task. Since 2013, the Brazilian Conference on Critical Embedded Systems (CBSEC) is also part of SBESC. In order to further strengthen the integration between these communities and to better represent the interdisciplinarity found in many research initiatives, starting in 2015 SBESC will no longer be divided into separated tracks. Instead, a broad list of topics of interest is presented, covering the main aspects of the original SBESC tracks.
Table of Contents
Full Papers
- Rodrigo Araújo, Iury Bessa, Lucas Cordeiro, João Filho, SMT-based Verification Applied to Non-convex Optimization Problems, 2016.
- José Barros, Thyago Oliveira, Vivek Nigam, Alisson Brito, A Framework for the Analysis of UAV Strategies using Co-simulation, 2016.
- Larissa Bentes, Herbert Rocha, Eduardo Valentin, Raimundo Barreto, JFORTES: Java FORmal unit TESt generation, 2016.
- Celso Costa, Ivan Muller, Debora Motta, Margrit Krug, Lucas Murliky, Aline Fracalossi, Guilherme Debom, Rivalino Matias Jr, RT-NKE Um Nanokernel de Tempo Real Educacional, 2016.
- Thiago D'Angelo, Saul Delabrida, Ricardo R. Oliveira, Antonio Alfredo Ferreira Loureiro, Towards to a Low-Cost Augmented Reality Head-Mounted Display with Real-Time Eye Center Location Capability, 2016.
- Stephany Dionysio, Luiz Nacamura Júnior, Carlos Maziero, Improving Network I/O Performance in Virtual Machines through Workload Profile Clustering, 2016.
- Henrique Fernandes, Vitor dos Santos Farias, Natalia Castro Fernandes, Provendo Segurança em Redes Definidas por Softwares Através da Integração com Sistemas de Detecção e Prevenção de Intrusão, 2016.
- Alexandre Ferreira, Rivalino Matias Jr., Vinícius Fonseca Maciel, An Exploratory Study on Patterns in Dynamic Memory Allocations, 2016.
- José Quaresma Filho, Nailson Cunha, Iguatemi E. Fonseca, Fernando Matos, Uma Abordagem SDWN para o Gereciamento do Processo de Handoff nas Redes WiF, 2016.
- Fabiano de Freitas, Paulo Maia, JustModeling: an MDE Approach to Develop Android Business Applications, 2016.
- Henrique Lacerda, Abel Silva-Filho, Allan Feitosa, Wellington Pinheiro dos Santos, Filipe Rolim, Redução de Energia em Casas Inteligentes utilizando uma Abordagem Multiobjetivo baseada nos Perfis de Uso de Equipamentos, 2016.
- Cha Li, Vinicius Petrucci, Daniel Mossé, Predicting Thread Profiles across Core Types via Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Multiprocessors, 2016.
- Alba Sandyra Bezerra Lopes, Eliselma Santos, Monica Pereira, A Runtime Mapping Algorithm to Tolerate Permanent Faults in a CGRA, 2016.
- Guilherme Magalhães, Anderson Sartor, Arthur Lorenzon, Antonio Carlos Beck F., How Programming Languages and Paradigms Affect Performance and Energy in Multithreaded Applications, 2016.
- Anderson H. S. Marcondes, Gustavo Diel, Felipe Souza, Paulo Roberto Vieira Junior, Adriano Fiorese, Guilherme Koslovski, Análise de Aplicações Distribuídas em SDN: um Estudo com o Benchmark NAS, 2016.
- Ygor Alcântara de Medeiros, Alisson Patrick Medeiros de Lima, Allan Vilar, Lucas Silva, Wellington Araujo, Análise sobre Topologias de Comunicação entre Partículas no Algoritmo Vagalume, 2016.
- Rodrigo Meurer, Mateus Ludwich, Antonio Augusto Frohlich, Virtualizing Mixed-Criticallity Operating Systems, 2016.
- Daniel Morais, Thiago Werlley Bandeira da Silva, Elmar Melcher, Alisson Brito, A distributed platform for integration of FPGA-based embedded systems, 2016.
- Dilson Moreira Jr., Rafael Obelheiro, Previsão de demanda de recursos em nuvens IaaS usando séries temporais, 2016.
- Eduardo Gomes de Oliveira, Miguel Elias Mitre Campista, Luis Henrique Costa, José Geraldo Ribeiro Júnior, ComuniCAR: Uma Biblioteca de Auxílio ao Desenvolvimento de Aplicações para Redes Móveis, 2016.
- Tarcísio Couto Pereira, Milton Deivson, Aêda Sousa, Fernanda Alencar, Jaelson Castro, A Metamodel for a Requirements Engineering Process of Embedded Systems, 2016.
- João Gabriel Reis, Antonio Augusto Frohlich, Mutant components: Efficiently managing multiple implementations, 2016.
- Davi Resner, Gustavo Araujo, Antonio Augusto Frohlich, On the Impact of Dynamic Routing Metrics on a Geographic Protocol for WSNs, 2016.
- Sawaira Sana, Design and Implementation of Multimode CFAR Processor, 2016.
- Sérgio Silva, Marcelo A. C. Fernandes, Simulador em tempo real para sistemas dinâmicos em FPGA, 2016.
- Gilles Silvano, Leonardo Oliveira, Ivanovitch Silva, Marcos Pinheiro, A Hybrid Architecture for Experimentation in Wireless Sensor Networks, 2016.
- Leonardo Silveira, Marcelo Brandalero, Jeckson Souza, Antonio Carlos Beck F., The Potential of Accelerating Image-Processing Applications by using Approximate Function Reuse, 2016.
- Eduardo Valentin, Rosiane de Freitas, Raimundo Barreto, Reaching Optimum Solutions for the Low Power Hard Real-Time Task Allocation on Multiple Heterogeneous Processors Problem, 2016.
- Renan Vieira, Rebeca Guerreiro Carvalho Cunha, Cláudio M. S. Medeiros, Elias Teodoro Silva Jr, Embedding a neural classifier to detect faults in a three-phase induction motor, 2016.
Work-in-Progress (WiP)
- Daniel Alves, Max Farias, Rômulo Camara, Sistema Autônomo de Liberação de Mosquitos Aedes Aegipty Transgênicos, 2016.
- Vicente Amorim, Lucas Lima, Igor Pereira, Filipe Ribeiro, Ricardo R. Oliveira, Using Crowdsourcing Techniques and Mobile Devices for Asphaltic Pavement Quality Recognition, 2016.
- Vicente Amorim, Saul Delabrida, Ricardo R. Oliveira, A Constraint-Driven Assessment of Operating Systems for Wearable Devices, 2016.
- Hilson Andrade, Caio Ferreira, Abel Silva-Filho, Latency Analysis in Real LTE Networks for Vehicular Applications, 2016.
- Hálamo Andrade, Thiago Werlley Bandeira da Silva, Daniel Morais, Alisson Brito, The Integration of GPU-based and Heterogeneous Devices using HLA, 2016.
- Tauã Cabreira, Rodrigo Acosta, Nicolas da Silva, Pedro Marchi, Paulo Ferreira, Julio Mattos, Análise do Consumo de Energia por Quadrirotores em Voos para Cobertura de Terrenos, 2016.
- Dario Dias, George Lima, Edna Barros, A Cache Design Assessment Approach for Embedded Real-time Systems Based on Execution Time Measurement, 2016.
- Felipe Fontoura, Carlos Maziero, Marco Wehrmeister, A Cryptographic API for Embedded Applications, 2016.
- Andrea Gonzalez, Lisane Brisolara, Paulo Ferreira, Mobile Nodes as a Dynamic Management Strategy to Improve Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks, 2016.
- Christopher Gull, Minko Minkov, Eduardo Gusmão, José Augusto Nacif, A Low-Cost Chlorophyll Fluorescence Sensor System, 2016.
- Francisco Carlos Junior, Ivan Silva, Lucas Ribeiro, Investigating the Use of a column-based Adaptable Array as Accelerator Engine on Multi-Core Processor, 2016.
- Jonathan Mesquita, Marcos Cruz, Márcio Kreutz, Monica Pereira, Design space exploration using UTNoCs and genetic algorithm, 2016.
- Rebeca Motta, Kathia Marçal de Oliveira, Guilherme Travassos, Characterizing Interoperability in Context-aware Software Systems, 2016.
- Ivan Muller, Carlos Eduardo Pereira, João Netto, Jean Michel Winter, Celso Costa, Fernando Sousa, Evaluation of TDMA Robustness in WirelessHART Networks, 2016.
- Max Prass, Celso Costa, Debora Motta, Smalloc - Um Alocador Dinâmico de Memória para Sistemas Embarcados de Tempo Real, 2016.
- Murilo Schaefer, Marcio Oyamada, Análise do consumo de potência e energia em arquiteturas embarcadas, 2016.
- Roberto Scheffel, Antonio Augusto Frohlich, Análise do Comportamento de Processos Através de um Sistema Especialista Probabilístico, 2016.
- Diego Sousa, Tiago Nascimento, Alisson Brito, An Embedded Nonlinear Model Predictive Formation Controller for Low-Cost Architectures, 2016.
- Renan Tashiro, Marcio Oyamada, An Environment for Design Space Exploration, 2016.
- Willy Tomé, Anderson Santos, Ivanovitch Silva, Ferramenta para Gerenciamento de Redes de Sensores Sem Fio Industriais, 2016.
- Lucas Wanner, Samuel Chenatti, Agrupamento de requisições de comunicação para economia de energia em smartphones, 2016.