SBESC 2015 | |
Tuesday, November 3, 2015 | |
08:00 | Sessão 1: Aplicações Embarcadas |
Chair: Raimundo Barreto (UFAM) | |
KITT - Sistema de Carro Inteligente Com Apoio à Segurança do Motorista | |
Arthur Assuncao, Ricardo Camara, Luiz Janeiro, Rafael Vitor, Fabio de Paula, Ricardo Augusto Rabelo Oliveira (UFOP) | |
Controlador de Velocidade Implementado em Hardware para Robô Autônomo | |
Joao Castelo Martins, Elias Teodoro Silva Jr (IFCE) | |
09:00 | Sessão 2: Sistemas de Computação |
Chair: Elias Teodoro Silva Jr (IFCE) | |
Um Framework de Sistema Operacional para a Implementação de Algoritmos de Controle Digital | |
Giovani Gracioli, Lucas Camargo (UFSC) | |
Consciência de Contexto na IoT: Uma Arquitetura Distribuída e Escalável | |
Patricia Davet, Huberto Kaiser Filho, Leonardo João, Lucas Xavier, Tainã Ribeiro Carvalho, Adenauer Yamin (UFPEL), João Lopes (UFRGS), Rodrigo de Souza (IFSUL) | |
Metodologia para Detecção de Saída de Faixa Utilizando EWMA Aplicado a Sensores Inerciais no Volante | |
Arthur Assuncao, Fabio de Paula, Ricardo Augusto Rabelo Oliveira (UFOP) | |
cLUPA - Ampliador Digital de Documentos Impressos sobre uma Plataforma Multicore | |
Edmar Bellorini, Roberto Hexsel (UFPR), Marcio Oyamada (UNIOESTE) | |
10:30 | Coffee Break |
11:00 | IESS Keynote: The Internet of Important Things |
Edward E. Lee (UCB) | |
12:30 | Lunch |
14:00 | Sessão 3: Sistemas de Computação |
Chair: Ivan Saraiva Silva (UFPI) | |
Avaliação da Efetividade dos Mecanismos de Compartilhamento de Memória em Hipervisores | |
Fellipe Veiga (UTFPR), Carlos Maziero (UFPR) | |
Uma Proposta de Escalonador de Migrações de Máquinas Virtuais baseado na Caracterização de uma Nuvem Privada | |
André Barcelos, Magnos Martinello, Rodolfo Villaca (UFES) | |
Avaliação de Caches em Dispositivos de Armazenamento Secundário com SSDs | |
Leonardo dos Santos, Carlos Maziero, Luis Carlos De Bona (UFPR) | |
Comparação e Simulação de Métodos para Função de Ativação em Dispositivo Reconfigurável | |
Maicon Sartin (UNEMAT), Alexandre Cesar Rodrigues da Silva (UNESP) | |
Instrumental para Coleta de Dados de Confiabilidade no Sistema Operacional Linux | |
Vinicius Fonseca Maciel, Rivalino Matias Jr. (UFU) | |
Software Co-Verification Based on Program Traces from Different Processors | |
Luís Fernando Antonioli, Sandro Rigo, Rodolfo Azevedo (UNICAMP) | |
16:00 | Coffee Break with Posters |
16:30 | Sessão 4: Sistemas de Computação |
Chair: Lisane Brisolara (UFPel) | |
Algoritmos de Análise de Cena para Localização Indoor via Redes IEEE 802.11 | |
Ezequiel Conte, Jean-Marie Farines (UFSC) | |
Ferramenta para assistir posicionamento de pontos de acesso em ambientes inteligentes | |
Robertson Lima, Fernando Matos (UFPB) | |
Bluetooth Enabled Data Collector for Wireless Sensor Networks | |
Cristiane Garcia, Diego Eckhard, João Netto, Carlos Eduardo Pereira, Ivan Muller (UFRGS) | |
Integração de Características Preemptivas à Técnica de Escalonamento Dinâmico de Tensões e Frequências Intra-Tarefa | |
Rawlinson Gonçalves, Raimundo Barreto (UFAM) | |
18:00 | Keynote 1: Driving Innovation in Education |
Paul Zimmerman (Intel) | |
19:00 | Opening |
19:30 | Cocktail |
21:00 | |
Wednesday, November 4, 2015 | |
08:00 | ESSE Tutorial 1: Desvendando as Plataformas de Hardware para Sistemas Embarcados |
Antonio Carlos Schneider Beck Filho (UFRGS) | |
10:30 | Coffee Break |
11:00 | Keynote 2: Quo vadis, RTOS? A look at the design of present and future real-time operating systems for the multicore age |
Björn Brandenburg (Max Plank) | |
12:30 | Lunch |
14:00 | Session 5: Fault Tolerance and Dependability |
Chair: Flávio Rech Wagner (UFRGS) | |
An Empirical Study on Failure Causes in a Commercial Off-the-Shelf Operating System | |
Caio Augusto Rodrigues dos Santos, Rivalino Matias Jr. (UFU) | |
Enabling NoC Performance Improvement using a Fault Tolerance Mechanism | |
Alba Sandyra Bezerra Lopes (IFRN), Márcio Kreutz, Monica Pereira (UFRN) | |
Hardened Paxos Through Consistency Validation | |
Rodrigo Barbieri, Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira (UFSCar) | |
A Model for Safety Assessments of Automated External Defibrillators | |
Edmar Gurjão (UFCG), Paulo Barbosa, Yang Medeiros (UEPB) e Leo Albornoz (LIFEMED) | |
16:00 | Coffee Break |
16:30 | Session 6: Wireless Sensor Networks and IoT |
Chair: Antonio Carlos S. Beck Filho (UFRGS) | |
SDN-based Approach to Select Allocation Strategies in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks | |
Júnior Siqueira (SBC) Fernando Matos (UFPB) | |
Impact of Temporal and Spatial Application Modeling on Event-triggered Wireless Sensor Network Evaluation | |
Lisane Brisolara, Paulo Ferreira Jr. (UFPel), Leandro Indrusiak (U York) | |
UDP4US: Universal Device Pipe for Ubiquitous Services | |
Gustavo Araujo, Frank Siqueira (UFSC) | |
PrivacyMod: Controlling and Monitoring Abuse of Privacy-related Data by Android Applications | |
Vicente Amorim, Igor Pereira, Filipe Ribeiro, Pablo Henrique Antunes Silva (UFOP) | |
SEMA: An approach based on internal measurement to evaluate energy efficiency of Android applications | |
Lisane Brisolara, Leonardo Fischer, Julio Mattos (UFPel) | |
19:00 | SBC CE-ESC Meeting |
21:00 | |
Thursday, November 5, 2015 | |
08:00 | ESSE Tutorial 2: Redes de Sensores sem Fio: projeto de hardware e software, aplicações e estudos de caso |
Ivan Müller (UERGS) | |
10:30 | Coffee Break |
11:00 | Keynote 3: Stepping Stones to an Easier World |
Mary Baker (HP Labs) | |
12:30 | Lunch |
14:00 | Session 7: Performance Evaluation, Scheduling and Optimization |
Chair: Dilma da Silva (Texas A&M) | |
Considerations on the Least Upper Bound for Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Systems | |
J. Augusto Santos-Jr., George Lima (UFBA), Konstantinos Bletsas (ISEP) | |
Parallelism Level Analysis of Binary Field Multiplication on FPGAs | |
Luckas Farias, Bruno Albertini, Paulo Barreto (USP) | |
Analysis of Path Planning Algorithms based on Travelling Salesman Problem Embedded in UAVs | |
Thiago Werlley Bandeira da Silva, Alisson Brito, Anand Subramanian (UFPB), Walton P. Coutinho (U Southampton) | |
An Approach Based on Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm to Optimize Network Bandwidth Usage | |
Euclides Carlos Pinto Neto (UFRPE), Gustavo Callou (UFPE) | |
Playing Hare and Tortoise: The FigarOS Kernel for Fine-Grained System-Level Energy Optimizations | |
Timo Hönig, Christopher Eibel, Heiko Janker, Benedict Herzog, Peter Wägemann, Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat, (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) | |
16:00 | Coffee Break |
16:30 | Session 8: Formal Methods and Verification |
Chair: José Augusto Nacif (UFV) | |
Impact of Alien Networks on Consensus in a Team of Cooperative Mobile Robots | |
Daniel Costa Ramos, Ubirajara Moreno (UFSC), Luis Almeida (U Aveiro), Luis Oliveira (FEUP) | |
Model Checking Embedded C Software using k-Induction and Invariants | |
Herbert Rocha (UFRO), Hussama Ibrahim, Lucas Cordeiro, Raimundo Barreto (UFAM) | |
Fault Localization in Multi-Threaded C Programs using Bounded Model Checking | |
Erickson Alves (INDT), Lucas Cordeiro (UFAM), Eddie Lima Filho (CTPIM) | |
Applying Multi-Core Model Checking to Hardware-Software Partitioning in Embedded Systems | |
Alessandro Trindade, Hussama Ibrahim, Lucas Cordeiro (UFAM) | |
Case Study of Product Line Approach to Provide Embedded and Desktop-based Applications | |
Alexandre Augusto Giron (UTFPR), Edmar Bellorini, Marcio Oyamada (UNIOESTE), Itana Maria de Souza Gimenes (UEM), Roberto Hexsel (UFPR) | |
A Platform for Evaluation of the Reliability of Communication Systems in FPGAs | |
Marcos Leipnitz, Geferson Luis Hess Júnior, Gabriel Nazar (UFRGS) | |
TSTP MAC: a Cross-Layer, Geographic, Receiver-Based MAC Protocol for WSNs | |
Davi Resner, Antônio Augusto Fröhlich (UFSC) | |
18:30 | Intel Contest Awards |
19:00 | Conference Dinner |
Friday, November 6, 2015 | |
08:00 | ESSE Tutorial 3: A Metodologia de Desenvolvimento Baseado em Modelos para Software Embarcado Automotivo |
João Henrique Zander Neme, Max Mauro Dias Santos (UTFPR) | |
10:30 | Coffee Break |
11:00 | Keynote 4: Sense & Adapt: our evolving models of computing machines up and down the abstract stack |
Rajesh Gupta (UCSD) | |
12:30 | Lunch |
14:00 | Session 9: Multiprocessor Systems |
Chair: Leandro Buss Becker (UFSC) | |
On the FPGA Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration Interference on Real-Time Systems | |
João Gabriel Reis, Antônio Augusto Fröhlich (UFSC), Arliones Hoeller Jr (IFSC) | |
An OpenCL-compliant Multi-Core Platform and its Companion Compiler | |
Ivan Silva, Ramon Nepomuceno, Jonatas Santos, Laysson Luz (UFPI) | |
A Grid-Tie Micro-Inverter Software Development Based on a Low Cost Multiprocessor Platform | |
Marcelo Götz, Marcelo Wagner Gobetti, Fausto Bastos Libano (UFRGS) | |
Decreasing Spill Code to Decrease Energy Consumption | |
Marcelo Luna, Felipe Silva, Wesley Attrot (UEL) | |
Using Bioinspired Meta-heuristics to Solve Reward-based Energy-aware Mandatory/Optional Real-time Tasks Scheduling | |
Matias Micheletto, Rodrigo Santos, Javier Orozco (UNS) | |
16:00 | Coffee Break |
16:30 | Session 10: Modeling and Testing |
Chair: George Lima (UFBA) | |
Preparing Cyber-Physical Systems Functional Models for Implementation | |
F. Gonçalves, Leandro Buss Becker (UFSC) | |
Testing Real-Time Embedded Systems with Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation using High Level Architecture | |
Alisson Brito, José Cláudio Vieira Junior, Tiago do Nascimento (UFPB) | |
Towards to a Wearable Device for Monitoring Ecological Environments | |
Saul Delabrida, Ricardo R. Oliveira, Thiago D'Angelo (UFOP), Antonio Alfredo Ferreira Loureiro (UFMG) | |
An Embedded System for Aerial Image Processing from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles | |
Jonas Fernandes, Alisson Brito, José Antônio Gomes de Lima (UFPB), Helder Nogueira (Reintegris) | |
Implementation of IoT for Monitoring Ambient Air in Ubiquitous AAL Environments | |
Madalena Silva, Alexandre Gonçalves, Mario Dantas, Brunno Vanelli, Guilherme Manerichi, Stephan Roehrig Domingues dos Santos, Mauri Ferrandin, Alex Sandro Roschildt Pinto (UFSC) | |
18:30 | Closing |