SBESC 2015 Proceedings
Welcome Message
Modern computing systems are becoming increasingly diversified. Nowadays we hear about Systems of Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems, Ubiquitous Systems and so on. Many of these systems are embedded, many are subject to real-time constraints and most of them run an operating system. In this context, the term Computing Systems Engineering involves techniques related to a safe, correct and deadline-compliant development methodology for these systems.
The Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC) is an initiative of the research community originally associated with three events, the Operating Systems Workshop (WSO), Embedded Systems Workshop (WSE) and Real-Time Systems Workshop (WTR), acknowledging the strong synergy between these three areas, and also motivated by the fact that the design of computing systems is an increasingly multidisciplinary task. Since 2013, the Brazilian Conference on Critical Embedded Systems (CBSEC) is also part of SBESC. In order to further strengthen the integration between these communities and to better represent the interdisciplinarity found in many research initiatives, starting in 2015 SBESC will no longer be divided into separated tracks. Instead, a broad list of topics of interest is presented, covering the main aspects of the original SBESC tracks.
Table of Contents
- Erickson Alves, Lucas Cordeiro and Eddie Lima Filho, Fault Localization in Multi-Threaded C Programs using Bounded Model Checking, 2015.
- Vicente Amorim, Igor Pereira, Filipe Ribeiro and Pablo Henrique Antunes Silva, PrivacyMod: Controlling and Monitoring Abuse of Privacy-related Data by Android Applications, 2015.
- Luís Fernando Antonioli, Sandro Rigo and Rodolfo Azevedo, Software Co-Verification Based on Program Traces from Different Processors, 2015.
- Gustavo Araujo and Frank Siqueira, UDP4US: Universal Device Pipe for Ubiquitous Services, 2015.
- Arthur Assuncao, Ricardo Camara, Luiz Janeiro, Rafael Vitor, Fabio de Paula and Ricardo Augusto Rabelo Oliveira, KITT - Sistema de Carro Inteligente Com Apoio à Segurança do Motorista, 2015.
- Arthur Assuncao, Fabio de Paula and Ricardo Augusto Rabelo Oliveira, Metodologia para Detecção de Saída de Faixa Utilizando EWMA Aplicado a Sensores Inerciais no Volante, 2015.
- Alexandre Augusto Giron, Edmar Bellorini, Marcio Oyamada, Itana Maria de Souza Gimenes and Roberto Hexsel, Case study of product line approach to provide embedded and desktop-based applications, 2015.
- Rodrigo Barbieri and Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira, Hardened Paxos Through Consistency Validation, 2015.
- André Barcelos, Magnos Martinello and Rodolfo Villaca, Uma proposta de escalonador de migrações de máquinas virtuais baseado na caracterização de uma nuvem privada, 2015.
- Edmar Bellorini, Roberto Hexsel and Marcio Oyamada, cLUPA - Ampliador Digital de Documentos Impressos sobre uma Plataforma Multicore, 2015.
- Lisane Brisolara, Paulo Ferreira Jr. and Leandro Indrusiak, Impact of Temporal and Spatial Application Modeling on Event-triggered Wireless Sensor Network Evaluation, 2015.
- Lisane Brisolara, Leonardo Fischer and Julio Mattos, SEMA: An approach based on internal measurement to evaluate energy efficiency of Android applications, 2015.
- Alisson Brito, José Cláudio Vieira Junior and Tiago do Nascimento, Testing Real-Time Embedded Systems with Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation using High Level Architecture, 2015.
- Ezequiel Conte and Jean-Marie Farines, Algoritmos de Análise de Cena para Localização Indoor via Redes IEEE 802.11, 2015.
- Daniel Costa Ramos, Ubirajara Moreno, Luis Almeida and Luis Oliveira, Impact of Alien Networks on Consensus in a Team of Cooperative Mobile Robots, 2015.
- Patricia Davet, Huberto Kaiser Filho, Leonardo João, Lucas Xavier, Tainã Ribeiro Carvalho, Adenauer Yamin, João Lopes and Rodrigo de Souza, Consciência de Contexto na IoT: Uma Arquitetura Distribuída e Escalável, 2015.
- Saul Delabrida, Ricardo R. Oliveira, Thiago D'Angelo and Antonio Alfredo Ferreira Loureiro, Towards to a Wearable Device for Monitoring Ecological Environments, 2015.
- Luckas Farias, Bruno Albertini and Paulo Barreto, Parallelism Level Analysis of Binary Field Multiplication on FPGAs, 2015.
- Jonas Fernandes, Alisson Brito, José Antônio Gomes de Lima and Helder Nogueira, An embedded system for aerial image processing from unmanned aerial vehicles, 2015.
- João Gabriel Reis, Antônio Augusto Fröhlich and Arliones Hoeller Jr, On the FPGA Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration Interference on Real-Time Systems, 2015.
- Cristiane Garcia, Diego Eckhard, João Netto, Carlos Eduardo Pereira and Ivan Muller, Bluetooth Enabled Data Collector for Wireless Sensor Networks, 2015.
- Rawlinson Gonçalves and Raimundo Barreto, Integração de Características Preemptivas à Técnica de Escalonamento Dinâmico de Tensões e Frequências Intra-Tarefa, 2015.
- F. Gonçalves and Leandro Buss Becker, Preparing Cyber-Physical Systems Functional Models for Implementation, 2015.
- Marcelo Götz, Marcelo Wagner Gobetti and Fausto Bastos Libano, A Grid-Tie Micro-Inverter Software Development Based on a Low Cost Multiprocessor Platform, 2015.
- Giovani Gracioli and Lucas Camargo, Um Framework de Sistema Operacional para a Implementação de Algoritmos de Controle Digital, 2015.
- Edmar Gurjão, Paulo Barbosa and Yang Medeiros e Leo Albornoz, A Model for Safety Assessments of Automated External Defibrillators, 2015.
- Timo Hönig, Christopher Eibel, Heiko Janker, Benedict Herzog, Peter Wägemann and Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat, Playing Hare and Tortoise: The FigarOS Kernel for Fine-Grained System-Level Energy Optimizations, 2015.
- Marcos Leipnitz, Geferson Luis Hess Júnior and Gabriel Nazar, A Platform for Evaluation of the Reliability of Communication Systems in FPGAs, 2015.
- Robertson Lima and Fernando Matos, Ferramenta para assistir posicionamento de pontos de acesso em ambientes inteligentes, 2015.
- Alba Sandyra Bezerra Lopes, Márcio Kreutz and Monica Pereira, Enabling NoC Performance Improvement using a Fault Tolerance Mechanism, 2015.
- Marcelo Luna, Felipe Silva and Wesley Attrot, Decreasing Spill Code to Decrease Energy Consumption, 2015.
- Vinicius Fonseca Maciel and Rivalino Matias Jr., Instrumental para Coleta de Dados de Confiabilidade no Sistema Operacional Linux, 2015.
- Joao Castelo Martins and Elias Teodoro Silva Jr, Controlador de Velocidade Implementado em Hardware para Robô Autônomo, 2015.
- Júnior Siqueira Fernando Matos, SDN-based Approach to Select Allocation Strategies in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks, 2015.
- Matias Micheletto, Rodrigo Santos and Javier Orozco, Using bioinspired meta-heuristics to solve reward-based energy-aware mandatory/optional real-time tasks scheduling, 2015.
- Euclides Carlos Pinto Neto and Gustavo Callou, An Approach Based on Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm to Optimize Network Bandwidth Usage, 2015.
- Davi Resner and Antônio Augusto Fröhlich, TSTP MAC: a Cross-Layer, Geographic, Receiver-Based MAC Protocol for WSNs, 2015.
- Herbert Rocha, Hussama Ibrahim, Lucas Cordeiro and Raimundo Barreto, Model Checking Embedded C Software using k-Induction and Invariants, 2015.
- Leonardo dos Santos, Carlos Maziero and Luis Carlos De Bona, Avaliação de Caches em Dispositivos de Armazenamento Secundário com SSDs, 2015.
- Caio Augusto Rodrigues dos Santos and Rivalino Matias Jr., An Empirical Study on Failure Causes in a Commercial Off-the-Shelf Operating System, 2015.
- J. Augusto Santos-Jr., George Lima and Konstantinos Bletsas, Considerations on the Least Upper Bound for Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Systems, 2015.
- Maicon Sartin and Alexandre Cesar Rodrigues da Silva, Comparação e Simulação de Métodos para Função de Ativação em Dispositivo Reconfigurável, 2015.
- Thiago Werlley Bandeira da Silva, Alisson Brito, Anand Subramanian and Walton P. Coutinho, Analysis of Path Planning Algorithms based on Travelling Salesman Problem Embedded in UAVs, 2015.
- Ivan Silva, Ramon Nepomuceno, Jonatas Santos and Laysson Luz, An OpenCL-compliant Multi-Core Platform and its Companion Compiler, 2015.
- Madalena Silva, Alexandre Gonçalves, Mario Dantas, Brunno Vanelli, Guilherme Manerichi, Stephan Roehrig Domingues dos Santos, Mauri Ferrandin and Alex Sandro Roschildt Pinto, Implementation of IoT for Monitoring Ambient Air in Ubiquitous AAL Environments, 2015.
- Alessandro Trindade, Hussama Ibrahim and Lucas Cordeiro, Applying Multi-Core Model Checking to Hardware-Software Partitioning in Embedded Systems, 2015.
- Fellipe Veiga and Carlos Maziero, Avaliação da Efetividade dos Mecanismos de Compartilhamento de Memória em Hipervisores, 2015.