Intel Embedded Systems Competition 2013
Intel Embedded Systems Competition 2013 is a competition open to undergraduate and graduate students, providing the opportunity to develop Intelligent and innovative Systems and contribute to the evolution of this segment of Computing in Brazil.
Submission's deadline was extended to July 7 (abstract registration) and July 14 (proposal submission). The selected teams will receive a development board for the project preparation. During development, each team have to produce a report that will be delivered at the end of project preparation, then your project will be presented at SBESC, which will be held between November 04-08.
Abstract registration: Until July 14 (NEW DATE);
Proposal Submission: Until July 21 (NEW DATE);
Definition of the groups that will be accepted in the next phase: Until August 12;
Deliver boards to students: August 30;
Project Reports Delivery: October 30;
SBESC Event: November 04-08;
Proposal Specifications should be done according the proposal model available in Modelo de proposta
Submission system is open:
During submissions phase we are organizing two Webinars for discussing board possibilities:
Thursday (July/04 - 11:00 AM) and Friday ( July/05 - 3:30 PM)
The link for participating is it is necessary to be connected 10 minutes before for plugin instalation and audio configuration.
Each Webinar will take about one hour and both Webinar are similar.
July: 3 Webinars. One for each board;
July-August: 4 scheduled webinars. 2 hours each ( email for questions).
Boards Information:
Option 1: Intel DN2800MT Mini-ITX
Option 2: WAFER-OT-Z670/Z650 (Oak Trail - Win7)
Quick Installation Guide
Option 3: BIS-6630 (Cedar Trail - Linux Fedora 14)
Use the model proposal available in Modelo de proposta
Submission system is open:
Send your questions to:
Groups of up to 3 students Undergraduate and / or Graduate;
All groups must have a mentor who is a professor at the University in which participating students are enrolled;
Submit an Embedded System contained in one of the following areas:
- Real Time Programming
- Security and Secure Applications
- System-on-a-chip (SOC) interfaces
- Power Aware Applications
- Multi-Core/Multi-Threading
- Networking Applications
- Graphics and Video applications
- Embedded Software Development
Selection Criteria:
- Originality: 20% - Presentation of an innovative concept
- Implementation: 20% - The project must be adequate to the resources Available
- Description and objectives: 20% - The project have to be described clearly and Objectively
- Applicability: 30% - Filing a solution to some problem or need of our society
- Adherence to themes: 10% - The theme of the project must be contained in some of proposed topics
Evaluation Commision:
Edna Barros (Centro de Informática – UFPE)
Marcio Kreutz (Departamento de Matemática e Informática Aplicada - UFRN)
Edgard Correa (Departamento de Matemática e Informática Aplicada - UFRN)
Antônio Augusto Fröhlich (Departamento de Ciência da Computação – UFSC)
Leandro Buss Becker (Departamento de Automação e Sistemas – UFSC)
Ivan Saraiva(Departamento de Informática e EstatÃstica – UFPI)
Cesar Zeferino (Univali)
Someone from Intel TBD
First Place: A Trip for the group to visit the USA Intel Labs* + Books(University) + Intel Softwares (University);
Second Place: Ultrabook for students + Books (for students and University) + Softwares (for students and University);
Third Place: Books (for students and University) + Softwares (for students and University);
Best Women Engineer Group - Ultrabook for Students + Books;
Best Undergraduation Project - A trip to the group participate in the Intel Cup Embedded System Design Contest China 2014* + Books (for students and University).
- The costs of travel and accommodation are part of the prize. Visa, food and displacement will be responsibility of the participants.