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The Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC) is an initiative of the research community originally associated with the Real-Time Systems Workshop (WTR, since 1998), the Operating Systems Workshop (WSO, since 2004), the Embedded Systems Workshop (WSE, since 2009), and the Critical Embedded Systems Conference, acknowledging the strong synergy between these areas and the fact that the design of computing systems is an increasingly multidisciplinary task. The integration between these communities resulted in a major event in the field in Latin America, covering the main aspects of Computing Systems Engineering. The symposium is promoted by the Technical Committee on Computing Systems Engineering (CE-ESC) of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC).

This year SBESC will be co-located with the 11th Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing - LADC 2022: https://ladc.sbc.org.br/

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                                                                                                                        Fortaleza/CE - Credit: iStock

Satelite Events

Confirmed Keynote Speakers

Best Papers

Six papers were selected based on their scores and best paper indications from review process:
Trusted Monitor: TEE-Based System Monitoring. Benedikt Jung, Christian Eichler, Jonas Röckl, Ralph Schlenk, Timo Hönig,Tilo Müller.
SAPIVe: Simple AVX to PIM Vectorizer. Rodrigo Sokulski, Paulo Santos, Sairo Raoni dos Santos, Marco Alves
Label-affinity-Scheduler: Considering Business Requirements in Container Scheduling for Multi-Cloud and Multi-Tenant Environments. Guilherme Galante, Marcio Oyamada, Luiz Altran.
Integrating Autonomous Vehicle Simulation Tools using SmartData. José Luis Hoffmann, Leonardo Horstmann, Antonio Augusto Frohlich
Distributed Learning using Consensus on Edge AI. Samuel Fidelis, Frank Siqueira, Márcio Castro
Possible risks with EVT-based timing analysis: an experimental study on a multi-core platform. Jamile Vasconcelos, George Lima.

Embedded Systems Competition Winners

1° Place: IoT Monitoring System for Agriculture with Real-Time Predictive Analytics at the Edge.
Carlos Eduardo Bezerra Mendes Silva, Saulo Henrique do Nascimento, Thiago José Alves de Souza and Prof. Edna Natividade da Silva Barros (UFPE)
2° Place: PigTAIL (Thermal Analysis In Loco) - System for monitoring the thermal comfort of swine through thermal imaging.
Hermano Diógenes Ferreira Costa, Taize Calvacante Santana and Prof. Victor Wanderley Costa de Medeiros (UFRPE)
3° Place: Location System using Wireless Communication for Health Care applications.
Marcelo Alves Guimarães and Prof. Raimundo José de Araújo Macêdo (UESB/UFBA).
Excelence in Innovation Award: PigTAIL (Thermal Analysis In Loco) - System for monitoring the thermal comfort of swine through thermal imaging. Hermano Diógenes Ferreira Costa, Taize Calvacante Santana and Prof. Victor Wanderley Costa de Medeiros (UFRPE)

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