
II Embedded Systems Workshop (WSE 2012)

WSE was created in 2010 to bring together researchers, practitioners, students and others interested in embedded systems aiming at increasing the community in this topic in Brazil. The topics of interest include tools, architectures and methodologies for embedded systems, HW/SW co-design, modeling and simulation, analysis and synthesis, test and verification, design space exploration, among others. After two successful editions, the third edition brings a novelty. The authors of the best-ranked papers presented at WSE will be invited to submit significantly extended versions of their work to the Springer Journal of Design Automation for Embedded Systems (DAES). All manuscripts submitted to the journal will be subject to the standard review process of DAES. Only original well-ranked manuscripts submitted in English to the workshop will be considered for re-submission.

Topics of interest

Design methodologies
Formal methods and verification
Modeling and specification mechanisms
Estimation techniques
Testing techniques and tools
System synthesis
Components and platforms
Applications (automotive, avionics,
mobile, etc)
Control and automation
HW/SW integrated design
Mobile and ubiquitous computing
Sensor networks

Organizing Committee

Érika Cota (UFRGS)

Program Committee

Abel Silva-Filho (UFPE)
Achim Rettberg (Carl von Ossietzky Univ. Oldenburg)
Adriano Tavares (Univ. Minho)
Antônio Augusto Fröhlich (UFSC)
Antonio Carlos S. Beck Filho (UFRGS)
Carlo Galuzzi (TU Delft)
Cristiano Araújo (UFPE)
Dieter Schwanke (Ceitec SA)
Diogenes da silva (UFMG)
Edson Lisboa (IFS)
Elias Teodoro da Silva Jr. (IFCE)
Fabiano Hessel (PUCRS)
Ivan Saraiva Silva (UFPI)
Jean-Marie Farines (UFSC)
João L. Monteiro (Univ. Minho)
José Carlos Maldonado (USP)
Leandro Buss Becker (UFSC)
Lisane Brisolara (UFPEL)
Marcio Oyamada (UNIOESTE)
Marco Wehrmeister (UDESC)
Muhammad Shafique (KIT)
Pablo Viana (UFAL)
Paulo Maciel (UFPE)
Raimundo Barreto (UFAM)
Rodolfo Azevedo (UNICAMP)